Even as a certified trainer, I still get moments of gym anxiety! Here I share with you my tips for pushing past it...

I know how crippling gym anxiety is. Fretting that people are watching you, judging you, critiquing you. But the reality is - most of the people in your gym feel exactly the same. I feel the same!
When I first began training, my gym anxiety was crippling. I was so anxious of humiliating myself that I would only go with a friend or to group classes. Years of training have certainly given me more confidence in the gym, but there is no denying that I still get anxious sometimes! Here are my tips on some things you can do to reduce gym anxiety...
Give yourself a stern talking to
The first step of overcoming your gym anxiety is giving yourself a stern talking to. Everyone starts from the bottom. Everyone has to learn. Nobody is born a natural weight lifter - they all took the same first steps you take. Every time you feel shy, or anxious, or worry, tell that negative voice in your head to go to hell. Give yourself a stern talking to. If you are not in the gym practicing, how do you expect to improve?
Learn the basics
Start with the big, basic moves. Maybe you do not feel comfortable doing this in the weights area with a tonne of people around looking at you. So, take the barbell or dumbbell to a quiet corner or an area with more space. Practice there - whatever you feel comfortable with, but do NOT give in to that negative anxious voice. Those people 'looking' at you & 'judging' you? They are far too concerned about their own lifting to watch yours.
And by the way - there is no absolute wrong or right way of lifting, because every body is different. Mechanically, we're all built differently. For instance, if you have a long femur (thigh) bone, you are going to find it more/less difficult to squat deep. But you must learn the basics so that you do not put yourself at risk of injury.
Film yourself at home & critique yourself
You can do this without weights - or even use two tins of baked beans. But film yourself practicing those basic moves, then watch it back. Was your spine straight or curved? Were your shoulders hunched? Were you bouncing? Learn your weak points & improve them. If you want to know what my weak points are & how I try to correct them, read this post.
Do not be afraid to ask
Ask anyone who works in the gym to critique you. Most gym instructors & personal trainers will be very happy to offer their expertise!
Dress well
Start with well-fitting workout clothes. This is not to look good for anyone else. This is so you can look in the mirror & feel good about yourself. Highlight your assets. For example, I don't like my upper arms - so I buy a lot of long sleeved tops. I do like my bum, so I buy tight & strong leggings that help lift it. Read this earlier post on gym clothing if you want some examples of what I buy.
And if you want to wear makeup, do it! Do whatever makes you feel confident.

Everyone starts at the bottom. No one is born with a weight training Encyclopaedia in their brain. But those who climb are the ones who learn….
Now get practicing!
I want you to be able to go into a gym and not feel scared of the weights area. To not feel anxious about doing right or wrong. Not feel judged or sneered at. Weight training has incredible benefits & I want you to see them. So get in that gym & go for it!
L x